Past Projects

Coopers Brewery Cogeneration Facility

Location: Regency Park, SA
Capacity: 4.4 MW
Commissioned: March 2003
Environmental Benefits: Overall greenhouse gas emissions reduced by up to 2,613 tonnes per annum

The SEI cogeneration facility at Coopers Brewery included a Solar Centaur 50S gas turbine package with the latest SoLoNOx combustion technology and a Tomlinson heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The generator produced steam by recovering the exhaust heat emitted by the gas turbine, to produce 4.4MW of electricity and generate up to 21 tonnes of steam per hour. This supplied approximately 3MW of electricity to the brewery, with any electricity excess being exported straight into the grid.

The cogeneration facility was owned, operated and maintained by SEI for many years, with the brewery using all the steam generated to power operations.

Environmental Benefits
By replacing the natural gas used in the gas-fired boilers with steam generated by the waste heat from the gas turbine, Coopers Brewery was able to significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving a total reduction in emissions of 2,613 tonnes per annum.

Additional Benefits
A secure and stable electricity supply increased production for Coopers Brewery.


Coal Seam Methane

Moranbah Power Station

Location: Moranbah, QLD
Capacity: 12.2 MW
Annual production: approx. 96,100 MWh of low-emission intensity electricity
Commissioned: 2004
Environmental Benefits: Saves more than 12,500 tonnes of CO2 per annum 

Moranbah Power Station was constructed to supply power to Arrow Energy to operate their gas compressors. Arrow has subsequently sold its interest to Queensland Pacific Metals (QPM).

The Moranbah Power Station utilises the coal seam methane from the Bowen Basin to provide electricity to QPM with the ability to export 50% of it’s capacity to the grid. 

Methane gas, which is 21 times more harmful than carbon dioxide, is vented during the coal mining process. The site consists of eight 1.5MW gas engine driven generators with the facility operating 24/7. SEI owns and manages the facility and oversees a third party to deliver its obligations of maintenance and operations.

Environmental Benefits
This project significantly reduces the greenhouse gases that this facility would otherwise release into the atmosphere by burning the methane and producing an energy source. This project saves more than 12,500 tonnes of CO2 per annum.

This is equivalent to removing more than 3,066 cars from the road per year, or planting around 46,800 trees.

The power station is just one of SEI’s many sites committed to the reduction of greenhouse gases from such fuels as sewerage and landfill gas.




Location: Altona, Vic
Capacity: 21 MW & 88 tonnes of steam/hour.
Commissioned: March 2013
Environmental Benefits: Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum

The facility, operated and maintained by SEI, included a Solar Turbine Titan 250 gas turbine package with the latest SoLoNOx combustion technology and Rentech Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG).

At the time, Qenos was Australia's sole manufacturer and leading supplier of world class polyethylene and polymers. In tandem with its multi-million-dollar expansion project, Qenos established a state of the art cogeneration facility at its Altona, Victoria site to provide energy-efficient surety of supply through on-site creation of electricity and steam.

At the time of construction the facility was the largest industrial cogeneration plant to be built in Australia in over a decade.

Project Scope
The facility, operated and maintained by SEI, includes a Solar Turbine Titan 250 gas turbine package with the latest SoLoNOx combustion technology and Rentech Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). The generator produces steam by recovering the exhaust heat emitted by the gas turbine. The facility has the capacity to produce 21 MW of electricity, improving the customer's carbon footprint and providing greater certainty of electricity supply, and generates up to 88 tonnes of steam per hour. The facility supplies up to 171 GWh of electricity to the site annually with the excess electricity being exported to the grid. All steam generation is used by the plant.

Environmental Benefits
The facility generates electricity at a lower greenhouse gas emissions intensity than the average emissions intensity of generators in the National Electricity Market. Further savings are achieved because all waste heat from the gas turbine is used to produce the steam required by Qenos, removing the need to install separate gas fired boilers. With the facility supplying much of its electricity needs it is estimated that overall greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum.

The project was awarded the "Best CoGen Project" at the 2012 Energy Efficiency Council Industry Awards.

